Patch 104
MESSAGE:The blue/green circlet of course represents our astounding, astonishing, amazing blue/green planet. Strangely I am currently reading Braiding Sweet Grass by Robin Wall Kimmerer and without realising the design I chose for the circlet is based on a Potawatomi design which seemed serendipitous. I’ve added a red centre for the vibrant lifeforce our planet has and surrounded it with stars.
While I was doing the meditation that is included in the pack I noticed Wood Pigeons calling to each other and this is what they seemed to say.
A Message to World Leaders from Wood Pigeon
Your heads are full
thoughts, ideas, dreams
of other worlds
just like ours.
You probe
you ponder
you encourage exploration
for extra-terrestrial resources.
But listen to my message
like a thirsty traveller
searching for water
in the desert
you may discover
the oasis is just a mirage.
This morning,
this day,
this evening
listen to my call*
One planet
that is all,
One planet
One planet
that is for all.