Patch 086
LOCATION: Macclesfield
I have loved being involved in the Coat of Hopes project in this small way. It’s easy to feel too small to achieve anything meaningful regarding the climate crisis, but together we are strong and our combined voices ring out.
The panel of embroidered flowers I saved from a birthday card intending to incorporate it into a dress for a grand-daughter. But it’s never been needed because they have each been gifted so many clothes from friends and neighbours. So, it’s included here as a reminder of the generous, sharing, caring communities we need to encourage in order to thrive in these difficult times.
The tree represents the family of humanity in all its glorious diversity; and for the tree mentioned in Revelation whose “leaves are for the healing of the Nations.” Healing means wholeness or one-ness.
In the colours of the sun is the symbol of XR/CCA who helped me find my voice, for all the groups who are the voice across the whole world of those crying out for justice and peace, and for action inspired not by money or greed but by love for all humanity, all creation.
All these are backed by the blue sky representing, for me, the love and faithfulness of the One Who is all about bringing Life out of death and Who shows us the Way, replacing despair with certain HOPE.