
Patch 037

PATCH MAKER: Rachie Ross

My patch incorporates flowers that I cut out of a tablecloth my Nan embroidered 70 years ago (she is 101 now and failing) and three elm leaves that I picked from Scilly last week. When Dutch elm disease swept through southern Britain in the 1960s/70s, over 90% of elms were lost. The three leaves are symbolic of the elms I’ve met in Scilly, Brighton and the lone elm in Marylebone, London. During my Nans lifetime species have been lost at an alarming rate, elm being just one of them. What will be left if I live to 101? What will be left of the woodland outside my back gate that I know and love so well? Will the mighty oak survive the temperature rise? Will the poplar remain tall and beautiful in changing seasons? The leaves will be rubbed off during the coats journey and will leave only their memory…