
Patch 63

PATCH MAKER: Michelle Barnes
LOCATION: Middlesex

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8.  

This is the verse on the wall of the Church where we held the Christian Climate Action planning meeting on the day before the April 2019 XR Rebellion. And it perfectly encapsulated why I was there that day: I was very apprehensive about the days ahead on the streets but, surrounded by fellow rebels who inspired me with their passion and courage, I was again convicted by God's calling to activism. 

As I sat in the garden pondering what part of God’s creation I would represent on my patch, a resplendently scarlet ladybird flew onto my lap and reminded me of ladybird-themed crafts both I as a child and my girls had made. So, using a piece of material from each of the swatches in my patch-making-kit and all of the threads provided, I have stitched one of God’s gloriously-created lady beetles to symbolise what we have destroyed and what we must do everything in our power to save.