a ‘Stitching’ Event

Do you like the idea of bringing people together in your area?

Could you help us organise a stitching stop and welcome for the coat of hopes?

As the coat travels there will be a number of stitching stops, public events in which patches will be added to the coat.  Patch makers and local people will be invited to come and witness the stitching of patches made since the previous stop. Beginning with the singing of the coat song, those gathered will have the opportunity to share thoughts, feelings and stories of their local landscape or the making of their patch, whilst the patches are being sewn to the coat ( which could be done by hand or by sewing machine ).

The role of stitching stop organiser involves finding a venue for the event and advertising it locally.  Venues could be schools, community cafes or church halls but would need to be free of charge.  The organiser will communicate the date, location and time of the stitching stop with local patch gatherer(s) and patch makers and confirm who is going to attend.  They will also recruit one or two competent sewers to attach the patches as well as organising some tea, biscuits or suitable refreshments.  We will be here to support you! 

Please get in touch using the form and indicate in the how do you want to get involved box where you live and if you can help us in finding a venue and /or to host the event.  We have a template poster which can be adapted for advertising a stitching event which we can send to you.