
Make A Patch

The coat will be made up of around 300 patches, created by groups or individuals along its journey route and beyond. People’s griefs and remembrances connected to their local landscapes and stories of migration, along with their prayers and hopes for the future, will be stitched, appliqued, felted and painted onto pieces of blanket which will be added to the coat as it travels to the Climate Change Conference in Glasgow.  



Patch Making Steps

These are the steps for making a patch for coat of hopes.
Please read them before you make a patch.

Register your interest using the button below, giving us a contact name, email and postal address to send the patch making kit to. Please indicate in the how do you want to get involved box whether you are making a patch as an individual or a group, the name of the group e.g. Lewes Scouts and the anticipated size of the group e.g. 5 people, so we can put the right patch size into the kit.

  1. We will send you the patch making kit containing a covering letter, instructions, meditation, patch size, materials and sewing instructions.

  2. Make the patch.

  3. Email us to let us know you have made your patch with the subject heading ‘Completed Patch’, including your name and contact address in the email. Let us know if you or any people in your group would like to attend your nearest stitching event where your patch will be sewed onto the coat.

  4. Send us a picture of your patch with subject heading ‘Patch for Gallery’, include in your email the name of person/group and location of patch making. You can also send some text explaining something of the story behind your patch, (express yourself in any way you like, poetry welcome) so we can upload it onto the gallery page of our website.

  5. If you use social media we would love you to share a picture of your patch.

  6. We will send you information about where your nearest stitching event is happening and ask you to let us know if you are planning to be there.

  7. If you cannot travel to the stitching event we will email you an address to post your patch to and the date we need to receive your patch in time for us to bring it to the next stitching on your behalf.




Patch Making Kit

Here you can find all the written content
of the Patch Making Kit: