

We want to capture some of the stories of the people and places that become involved with the patch making and the wearing of the Coat of Hopes on its pilgrimage.

If you would like to contribute to this documentation process with photos or videos,
then please contact our media partners
One Small Barking Dog.


A Slow-Motion close up Video of the Coat of Hopes Patches


The Invitation to World Leaders and Delegates at COP26 in Glasgow, to wear the Coat of Hopes


Bishop Willie Pwaisiho of the Solomon Islands, shared his hopes for COP26, whilst the Coat of Hopes was in Cheadle.

October 2021


The Dean of Lichfield Cathedral, Adrian Dorber, describes his hopes for COP26

September 2021


Carrying Hopes and Griefs to COP 26 - What is the purpose of the Coat of Hopes?

September 2021


The first week walking from Newhaven to London

September 2021


September 2021:
Mothiur talks about why he is walking and the thoughts and feelings behind his patch
- ‘trying to hold the griefs of different groups, different stories, different places’


July 2021:
An Introduction to the Coat of Hopes.