Ask me where I'm going
Ask me what is my purpose

The Coat of Hopes is a patchwork coat on an ongoing walking pilgrimage through the UK towards the end of the climate and ecological emergency.

It has been made by and worn and walked by many hundreds of people on a journey on foot of around 1500 miles so far. It carries people's hopes for the places they live, sewn into the blanket patches of which it is made.

All who encounter it are invited to wear it and (whilst the Coat song is sung) take a moment to be conscious of themselves at this time, standing in connection with all those who have made or worn the Coat before them and with the life and land it has witnessed on its way.

the Coat walking to Kings Lynn on 27th Jan 2025


You are invited to wear this coat, to walk this coat, to make this coat, as the journey continues:



Where is the Coat now and upcoming walk information .. 
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Words telling of vision and journey...
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See the patches and the pilgrims from the walk to COP26…
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Words and music to sing, recordings to hear…
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